Hey party peeps! This is my first post of 2018!
I know I've been slacking a little bit with posting recently (like this is my first outfit post in 2 months), but life has just been absolutely crazy recently. Like I was going to try and post last night but I got off work late then had to coach afterwards and didn't get home until 9 and then I had to eat dinner and then the Bachelor was on and then I had to plan an outfit for a work event later today. I sweat today was the day that was never going to end.
Don't worry though, I'm going to try really hard to actually post on schedule for the remainder of the year. One of my resolutions for this year was to devote more time to my blog because it's been put on the back burner for a little bit because I've had apartment issues and I haven't been feeling well and work got crazy all at once. But I promise to do better for you guys.
Anyway, this first look of the year is one of my favorites to wear. I love to layer dresses over turtlenecks (because I AM a 90s child through and through) and this dress is so chic and shiny because it's made of silk, so paired with a turtleneck it doesn't look as fancy, but still looks super nice. Definitely not a look I can wear right now cause of this cold af weather (can it be summer already, right?), but it's great for 50 degree temperatures.
Also, if you don't own a turtleneck in your closet, that's a sin and you should buy some right now (these are a few of my favorites here, here, and here). Everyone needs a good basic turtleneck in their closet. Also, if you call them mock necks please don't associate with me because that's not their name. They are turtlenecks. People started using mock neck to try and get away from the "mom-ness" associated with turtlenecks and that's not cool. Literally the only difference is that turtlenecks roll over and mock necks don't. Which isn't enough of a difference for me to call it a mock neck. Sorry I'm not sorry.
I really love this silk dress and shiny materials, especially luxurious ones like silk, are huge this season. I also love this olive green color and together they make a really chic dress. Also, just have to mention that this dress came with a short sleeve grey t-shirt dress underneath on sale from Anthro a few months back. Definitely a one-of-a-kind piece. To finish I put on my white pointy toe shoes because I love (read: LOOOOVEEEEEE) pointy toe shoes and the white goes with the turtleneck.
Let me know what you guys think and let me know what some of your resolutions are for 2018!

Also love this shoot because of the place we shot it in. It's literally called Mother of Junk (which is why I decided to call this shoot by that title) and it's in Williamsburg right off of Driggs Ave. It's literally just a huge warehouse of junk, but you can find amazing vintage pieces there for good prices. I suggest you check it out.
Turtleneck // H&M - This is similar
Shoes // ASOS - These are similar